Thursday, December 31, 2009

Check out our work!

You may have seen the lovely CD-ROM of our beautiful remodeling work, or you may be like me, and have every good intention of popping that CD into your computer, but never quite got around to it. Somehow I find it way easier to watch video on the Web. So, for those who haven't quite gotten around to looking at our CD-ROM, or those who saw an early edition and haven't seen the latest and greatest, we have broken the video into bite-size pieces. The narration features the mellifluous contralto of our much-missed in-house designer, Susan Mooring. Here is the introduction:

I realize this post should be at the bottom, and all the others above it, but I still have a hard time accepting that chapter 1 should come after chapters 2, etc. So this intro will remain near the top, and you can watch the others in any order that suits you.