Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Upgrade Your Heating and Air Conditioning

This summer we saw heat waves with the heat index registering over 100 degrees, as well as fall-like conditions.  Who knows what the weather will have in store for the Richmond area over the next few weeks and months.   

If your HVAC system is at least 6 months old, schedule a tune up to ensure maximum efficiency for year-round savings.

If your system is over 10 years old, you should consider an upgrade. Now is the perfect time to take advantage of the tax credits made available for energy-efficient heat and and cooling upgrades to your home. These tax credits are only valid for systems installed through December 2013. (You can read a description of these tax credits as described by the Air-Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Institute here.)

The benefits of either a tune-up or an upgrade include:
  • lowering your energy bill,
  • increasing your home's energy efficiency, and
  • improving your comfort.
As a licensed HVAC contractor, CCI is able to offer you several options to take advantage of this optimal time to invest in a quality heating and cooling system.